The name “Network of Russian-Speaking Churches under the European Baptist Federation” in English sounds – Network of Russian-Speaking Churches (abbreviation “NRC-EBF”).


Vision: To be an effective instrument in God’s hands to help local NRC-EBF member churches, working together with national local Baptist and evangelical unions, bring people to saving faith and discipleship in Jesus Christ.

Mission: Aimed at Russian-speaking people from all over the world and living on the European continent. Our mission is to provide accessible resources to local churches and missions to:

 Proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 Promote Christian discipleship and mentoring as a way of life.

 Open new churches.

 Develop partnerships between evangelical churches and unions in Europe.

 Promote missions around the world.


Section 1. Membership

Membership is open to all churches and groups that willingly seek to realize mission, vision, and doctrine based on the principles described in this Constitution.

Section 2. Application for Membership

An existing church or group desiring membership must submit an application to the NRC-EBF coordinator requesting membership.

А. The letter from the church shall contain the following information (if any):

– Description, history and development of the church.

– Description of the ministries, leadership structure in place in the church

– Confirmation of the adoption of the NRC-EBF Constitution and Fundamentals of the Faith.

– Copy of the Constitution and/or Bylaws of the church (if any)

Б. The group must have a minimum of 3 families, regular worship services, a leader or acting pastor, and an affirmation of acceptance of the NRC-EBF Constitution and Articles of Faith.

Membership application is reviewed and accepted at the NRC-EBF Coordinators meeting.

Section 3. Associate Membership

Associate membership is offered to mission points, groups, churches, or missions that are unable to meet the requirements of membership but wish to participate in the fulfillment of the vision and mission of NRC-EBF. Associate members may participate in ministry, but may not be coordinators, representatives, or officers of NRC-EBF ministries.

The categories of associate membership are listed below:

A. A biblical congregation that is not a member of any union.

B. A missionary point or group accountable to and established by an NRC-EBF member church.

C. A missionary point, group, or church reporting to an existing Baptist or evangelical association.

D. An existing evangelical mission that wants to identify with NRC-EBF.

Section 4. Application for Associate Membership

An applicant for associate membership must submit an application to the NRC-EBF executive board requesting membership. The letter must contain the following information:

  • A description of the history and development of the group, church, or mission.
  • A statement of acceptance of the NRC-EBF constitution and creedal foundations (Article IV).

Section 5. Termination of Membership

Membership in NRC-EBF shall be terminated by (1) written request, (2) termination of the ministry of the group or assembly, or (3) a decision of the NRC-EBF Coordinating Board.


Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried, descended into hell, rose from the dead on the third day, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence He will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Universal Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, eternal life. Amen.

FOR THE LORD WE LOVE: The Cape Town Creed

  1. We love because in the beginning God loved us
  2. We love the living God
  3. We love God the Father
  4. We love God the Son
  5. We love God the Holy Spirit
  6. We love God’s Word
  7. We love God’s world
  8. We love the good news of God
  9. We love the people of God
  10. We love God’s work


  • NRC-EBF does not claim and will not govern any other church, group or association. On the other hand, no other religious organizations, associations or unions have authority and power over the network of Russian-speaking churches in Europe.
  • The NRC-EBF is accountable to and works in concert with the European Baptist Federation (EBF).
  • NRC-EBF is financially accountable to NRC-EBF member churches and sponsoring organizations and individuals.
  • The NRC-EBF recommends that local churches, members of the network, work in harmony with the national unions of the country in which they are located. But this right remains at the discretion of the local church.
  • The legislative body of the NRC-EBF shall consist of an elected coordinator and coordinating board, represented by their representatives from the local churches of NRC-EBF members.


The NRC-EBF ministry officers are the ministry coordinator, his/her deputies, and the coordinating council, which meets to approve the deputies. The ministry coordinator is elected every 3 years from among the country coordinators and from among the ministers of NRC-EBF member churches. He or she is elected by the country coordinators and representatives from NRC-EBF church leadership by electronic voting.

Rights and duties of the coordinator

The coordinator is the leader of the NRC-EBF and is the official spokesperson for the ministry.

The coordinator’s responsibilities include realizing the mission and vision of NRC-EBF by building a team of alternates and creating a working group to successfully expand the ministry.

Rights and responsibilities of country focal points

The coordinator is an official representative of the NRC-EBF ministry.

Serves within the mission and vision of NRC-EBF.

Establishes contacts with local churches interested in developing NRC-EBF ministries.

Has information about the country and the local evangelical churches in it.

Actively participates in all coodinator meetings in person or through a representative.

Rights and duties of the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is composed of official representatives of evangelical church unions, missions, and organizations that are closely associated in cooperation and development of NRC-EBF ministries.

The Board of Trustees has an advisory voice in the ministry of NRC-EBF and are representatives of the ministry internationally.

Support the development of NRC-EBF’s ministry vision and mission, and participate and assist with challenging ministry issues.

A member of the Board of Trustees is an active board member who attends the annual NRC-EBF summits.


Section 1. Meetings

The NRC-EBF meets once a year; this meeting is held at the annual Summit-Forum. The designation of the venue and date is coordinated with the Cordizio Council and approved at least 4 months prior to the Summit-Forum. A business meeting is held before the Summit-Forum, where the Country Coordinators and the Board of Trustees are expected to be present. The agenda for the business meeting is circulated two months before the Summit-Forum.

Section 2. Messengers

The annual meeting consists of ministers or representatives of the NRC-EBF network of churches and other unions.

Associate members of NRC-EBF, other unions, associations and missions may also send representatives to the annual meeting.

Section 3. Convening of Meetings

The NRC-EBF Coordinating Board meets online every two months. If necessary, the coordinator or board may propose a special NRC-EBF meeting.


Section 1. Национальные Баптистские Союзы

The NRC-EBF seeks to assist in building fraternal relationships with other national Baptist Unions.

Section 2. The European Baptist Federation and the Baptist World Alliance.

NRC-EBF is a member of the European Baptist Federation and the Baptist World Alliance, working closely under these two organizations.

Section 3. Southern Baptist Convention

NRC-EBF seeks to help build fraternal relations with the Southern Baptist Convention

Section 4. European Baptist Mission

NRC-EBF supports the European Baptist Mission in its global ministries.

Section 5. Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists of Russia

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Russian Baptist Unions.

Section 6. All-Ukrainian Union of Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches of Ukraine (AUCECB)

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Ukrainian Baptist Unions.

Section 7. Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists in the Republic of Belarus

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Belarusian Baptist Unions.

Section 8. Union of Christian Evangelical Baptist Churches of Moldova

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Moldovan Baptist Unions.

Section 9. Baptist Union of Uzbekistan

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Uzbek Baptist Unions.

Section 10. Union of Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches of Tajikistan

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Tajik Baptist Unions.

Section 11. Lithuanian Baptist Union

NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Lithuanian Baptist Unions

Section 12. Union of Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches of Armenia

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Armenian Baptist Unions.

Section 13. Evangelical Christian-Baptist Union of Azerbaijan

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Azerbaijan Baptist Unions.

Section 14. Evangelical Baptist Church of Georgia

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Georgia Baptist Unions.

Section 15. Baptist Union of Latvia

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Latvian Baptist Unions.

Section 16. Union of Free Evangelical and Baptist Churches of Estonia

NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with Estonian Baptist Unions.

Section 17. Pacific Slavic Baptist Association

The NRC-EBF seeks to promote fraternal relations and cooperation with the Pacific Slavic Baptist Association.

Section 18. Other Christian Collaborations

NRC-EBF recognizes and affirms the essential unity in Christ of all Christians, churches, and institutions that practice New Testament Christianity. On mutually beneficial terms, NRC-EBF will endeavor to cooperate with other Christians in the “Great Commission” in the cause of Christ.


Any proposed amendment shall be sent by member churches of the network of churches to the coordinating council at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual summit.

A proposed amendment to this Constitution must be agreed upon at the business meeting of the Summit by a majority vote of the NRC-EBF representatives.


The NRC-EBF handbook is a companion document that provides recommendations for implementing the policies and structures contained in the NRC-EBF Strategy and Advisory Board Report, adapted by the Coordinating Board in September 2011.

These guidelines may be subject to modification from time to time in order to improve the efficiency and functionality of the ministries, provided that such modifications do not conflict with the Articles of Confederation.