1. The first myth about mission in Europe among Russian-speakers in Russia, Ukraine, and other post-Soviet countries.
post-Soviet countries.
In the west it’s solved simply, a sea of sponsors. The key is to simply get a visa to your desired country.
I’m going to ask you to take something into consideration right away.
No one will take you for sponsorship.
Today, any Western mission would rather take 20 missionaries in India, where a family on a monthly budget spends only 50 euros.
To feed you and your family for 2000 euros a month in a European country is simply not pragmatic.
Are you willing to travel at your own risk?
Then you need a step of faith.
This is how ministers went on mission to Russia in the early 90’s.
If you have a different idea of going to Europe, then you should not take such risks.
There will be a lot of disappointment.
It will be difficult for you, and primarily financially.
2. The second myth about ministry in Europe among immigrants from post-Soviet countries.
I’ll be there and everyone will be welcome.
No one particularly expects you (immigrants) from Westerners!
Why not?
Because Europe is full of foreigners.
Europeans are reluctant to share good jobs with you… But if God tells you to go, then all these problems are nothing.
3. the third myth about pastoring and missionary work in Europe in Russian-speaking churches
I’ll come over and someone will solve all my issues. I will be given a salary and entrusted to a church that needs a pastor just like me.
You will have to roll up your sleeves and work at your job during the day (be a “tent maker” like Paul) and in the evenings fellowship with immigrants like you and share your faith.
In many cities with large Russian-speaking populations, we have yet to start church services.
4. A fourth myth about missionary labor in Europe
The wages in the west are very good and my family and I will finally get a life…..
This is partially true.
Salaries are better than in Ukraine, Russia and other post-Soviet countries.
But think about this question: how can you be guaranteed to get a good salary?
Without the language and without proper education of the country you are coming to, chances for a good job are rare.
In many cases, your education will have to be nostrified, proven and defended again by passing difficult exams…
So, if you are still reading this text further and are not disappointed by the prospect of missionary work among Russian-speaking people in Western Europe, I will write the following for inspiration.
Some positives.
I firmly believe that if the Lord sends you here, He, the Lord will help you solve all your financial and housing problems.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to take a step of faith.
It is not possible without it.
It is a kind of examination for you.
Not many Christians today realize that Europe is a mission field.
I myself denied it for a long time.
But when I came to the Czech Republic in 2004 and saw so many people: our Slavs who wanted to hear the gospel, I was greatly shocked.
People in a foreign country become softer, more open and seeking….
There are times when God works things out in ways we never dreamed possible.
And these are God’s miracles.
But nevertheless the issue of registration of residence permit in the European Union is not simple and complicated. It’s easier if you get help from a national church that sees a need for ministry among Russian speakers. Such cases are rare as exceptions.
There are other options, but I think will not suit everyone… (can be contacted personally will describe).
If you are from the east of Ukraine, it is also possible to get refugee status.
You have such a possibility, if there is a war and conflicts there (you also need personal communication on details), but these issues are solved individually….
New opportunities will open up before you that you may not have encountered in your homeland.
You will see seeking hearts.
Because immigrants are open to hearing the gospel in their own language.
The church in immigration is a little island of the homeland.
It makes up for the pleasant memories of fellowship in the homeland.
You will give your children a new culture, a new language, and a quality education.
Even if you are only on a mission for a few years and then pass on and return to your home country, your children will be very grateful to you for the language they have learned and the opportunity to live in a different cultural environment.
Do you have a heart on fire for preaching the gospel in Europe?
mailto:info@spasenie.euhttps://nrc-ebf.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Statistika2019.jpg750356https://nrc-ebf.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/PriglashenieMissioEu.jpg750357What are the requirements for a minister, pastor, missionary who is going on a mission, to the “European fields” to do ministry among Russian speakers?There are approximately ten million Russian-speaking immigrants living in Europe at the moment.
This figure is constantly growing.
Since this question is asked all the time, I will try to answer it briefly:EXPLORE YOUR CALLINGIt is very important to make sure that this is the ministry to which the Lord is calling you.
“Thus I, who have become a prisoner for the Lord’s sake, beseech you, live a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called by God.” From the epistle of ap.
Paul.If you have been praying for a long time, and pouring out your desire before God, and He sends you even more inspiration for this ministry, then go for it! Europemissionarymissionpastorworkminister