Ordination in Schwedt/Oder, Germany

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April 14, 2024 turned out to be important for the city of Schwedt/Oder in Germany. This day was memorable not only for the residents of the city, but also for numerous guests from different countries. The main event was a solemn service to celebrate the founding of the new local church EFG Christ-Erlöser Gemeinde (Baptists).

The centerpiece of the service was the prayer of blessing for the new local church and the ordination of the church’s pastor, Vladimir Atapin. This was not only a sign of recognition of his ministry, but also the beginning of a new stage in the spiritual life of the city and its inhabitants.

Pastors: Ilya Danelyuk (Italy), Genady Gavrilov and Igor Hrytsyk (from Czech Republic), Alan Gross (Germany).

some myths

The issue of obtaining a residence permit in the European Union is not simple and complicated. It’s easier if you get help from a national church that sees a need for ministry among Russian speakers. Such cases are rare as exceptions.


In the west it's solved simply, a sea of sponsors. The key is to simply get a visa to your desired country.


I'll be there and everyone will be welcome.


I will be given a salary and entrusted to a church that needs a pastor just like me.


The wages in the west are very good and my family and I will finally get a life.....

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14. Summit Forum
Baptists of Europe

Resettle, evangelize
“Meanwhile those who were scattered went about preaching the word.” Acts 8:4

Participants from 22 countries

190 participants from 22 countries of the churches of Europe. Musical ministry, poetry, testimonies and prayer. In addition, sermons by Y. Sipko, A. Patz, G. Gavrilov. I. Danelyuk, I. Hrytsik and others.

New coordinators

At the 14th Summit, the Lord adds ministers. Churches Finland. Estonia, Germany. The assembly blessed the new coordinators.


Seminars were presented as part of the forum: Willie Dyker, Dan Upchurch, Viktor Petrenko, Vasyl Dmitrievsky, Anastasia Gaidabrus. The ministers of the church presented important topics.

Online broadcast

All summit events and workshops are live-streamed. 14 Summit gave live and recorded viewing on Facebook and YouTube.


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